Course: Managing Anger and Mastering Emotions

Many Islamic scholars consider anger as among the most ruinous trait that a human being can possess, and the Prophet Muhammad regularly remind his followers “do not be angry”.  Anger is an intense emotional state that is among the natural dispositions of every human being.
  • 1500+ Students
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  • Instructor : Shaykh Ahmed El-Azhary
  • No. of lessons: 04
  • Category: General
  • Online at your own pace
  • Full lifetime access

About This Course

Many Islamic scholars consider anger as among the most ruinous trait that a human being can possess, and the Prophet Muhammad regularly remind his followers “do not be angry”.  Anger is an intense emotional state that is among the natural dispositions of every human being.  While it is not a trait to be rid of completely, the emotions should be managed and mastered.  Manifesting anger without due consideration can lead to disastrous effects, a slippery slope that may result in varied negative consequences.  The speaker will examine the subject of anger based upon discussions by great scholars like Imam Abu Zayd al-Balkhi (d. 934) and Imam al-Ghazali (d. 1111), and will discuss its definition, causes, triggers, biology, and recommend spiritual remedies to heal, manage and master the intense emotional condition.

Entry Requirements

  • This course is open to all students, aged 16 and above. No prior knowledge is required.