Course: Psychology of Repentance: Shame, Guilt and the Practice of Hope

Repentance is the process of acknowledging one’s wrongdoings, feeling remorse, and seeking to make amends.
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  • Instructor : Shaykh Ahmed El-Azhary
  • No. of lessons: 04
  • Category: General
  • Online at your own pace
  • Full lifetime access

About This Course

Repentance is the process of acknowledging one’s wrongdoings, feeling remorse, and seeking to make amends. In this lecture, the speaker will explore the complex emotions of shame and guilt and how they relate to the practice of repentance in Islam. He will delve into the psychological aspects of repentance, sharing insights on how we can turn feelings of shame and guilt into opportunities for growth and positive change.

Hope is a powerful antidote to shame and guilt – it’s the belief that positive change is possible, and that one can learn from mistakes and grow. Within the context of repentance, the practice of hope involves acknowledging that while mistakes have been made, they do not define a person’s entire identity. Hope thus encourages individuals to believe in their capacity for change and personal growth. The speaker will discuss how the transformative practice of hope can help one to develop a more compassionate and forgiving attitude towards oneself and others.

The event will be joined by two esteemed panelists from Club Heal, Sister Balqis Maricar and Sister Wannadwah Ja’afar.

Balqis Maricar graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Arabic and Islamic Studies from Medina International University and is Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS) certified. She also has a Graduate Degree in Counselling Psychology and has completed her Master’s in Counselling at Monash University.

Balqis works as a Senior Counsellor and is part of the Community Intervention Team (COMIT) at Club HEAL. For the past eight years, she has empowered people with mental health challenges to attain a renewed sense of purpose while facilitating their reintegration into the community. She also incorporates various psychotherapy models and interventions with Islamic theories and practices. Apart from psychological interventions, she also runs support groups, conduct talks and trainings since 2014.Wannadwah Ja’afar is a passionate person who finds joy in teaching and working with people who face difficulties and challenges especially in the mental health segment.Before joining the mental health sector, she previously taught Islamic Studies and is Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS) certified. She also volunteered herself at the Changi Women’s Prison where she gave talks and supported the inmates, as well as conducted programmes for the youth at risk.Wannadwah studied at Madrasah Al-Junied al-Islamiah, and attained her degree in Islamic studies at IIUM and Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling at International University of Malaysia.

Entry Requirements

  • This course is open to all students, aged 16 and above. No prior knowledge is required.