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Shaykh Dr Walead Mohammed

SimplyIslam Academy Scholar
Dr. Walead Mosaad is the Chair and Scholar-in-Residence of Sabeel Community. Additionally, he is the director of Muslim Student Life at Lehigh University. He has also participated in the Traveling Light Series on Imam al-Ghazali, and is an advisor on the Fons Vitae Ghazali children’s series of books.
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He has completed degrees from Rutgers University, Fath Islamic Seminary in Damascus, Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the University of Liverpool, and a PhD in Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter in the UK.
His studies and work have afforded him the opportunity to travel across much of the Muslim world, studying the Islamic tradition with several scholars of our time.

Courses by Shaykh Dr Walead Mohammed Mosaad

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