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Shaykh Faid Mohammed

SimplyIslam Academy Scholar
Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said is one of the most prominent Islamic scholar based in the United Kingdom. He was raised in Eritrea, where he was educated in the Islamic jurisprudence and sciences before moving to Madinah al-Munawwarah, where he continued his studies under Sheikh Atiyyah Mohammed Salim, the Resident Scholar of Masjid al-Nabawwi and Senior Judge of Madinah. 
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Since that time Shaykh Faid has been invited to lecture not only in the United Kingdom, but also all over the world including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkey, Canada, Germany, and the Maldives. He has authored several books including “The Meaning of Muhammad and Our Cultural Memory”. He was formerly Resident Scholar at Harrow Central Mosque, and is currently the Head of Fatwa at London Central Mosque (Regent’s Park Mosque). Ustadh Fizar was Head of Education, Research and Training at Safinah Institute (Singapore), and is currently the Executive Director at a non-profit social organisation called BAPA, which is active in humanitarian aid missions. He is also an Executive Director at KembaraUstaz.Sg, a Singapore-based travel agency, and founder of The Mutual Good Pte Ltd, a start up company selling Halal & Naturally Sourced Formulated Health Supplements.

Course by Shaykh Faid Mohammed

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