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Ustadh Fizar Zainal

SimplyIslam Academy Scholar
Ustadh Fizar Zainal holds a Diploma in Arabic Language and a Graduate Diploma in Dialogue of Civilizations from the Syeikh Ahmed Kuftaro Foundation, Damascus, Syria. Ustadh Fizar furthered his Islamic studies at Rubat Tareem Asy-Syatiri, Yemen, studying traditional Islamic sciences. He also holds a Diploma in Counselling and Psychology.
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Ustadh Fizar was Head of Education, Research and Training at Safinah Institute (Singapore), and is currently the Executive Director at a non-profit social organisation called BAPA, which is active in humanitarian aid missions. He is also an Executive Director at KembaraUstaz.Sg, a Singapore-based travel agency, and founder of The Mutual Good Pte Ltd, a start up company selling Halal & Naturally Sourced Formulated Health Supplements.
He loves cats and is an avid traveller.

Course by Ustadh Fizar Zainal

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