Make learning Arabic easy in this three-month FAST TRACK course. Say NO to mundane and complicated Arabic language classes and extensive linguistic discussions. People always thought that learning Arabic is difficult due to its rich and vast vocabulary. The Arabic lexicon alone contains 12.3 million words, which is surprisingly 20 times the number of words in the English language! You would think the richness of the Arabic language makes the learning process much harder and tedious.
However, with the right techniques and properly curated Arabic language lessons conducted by our master teacher, you will be able to learn at least about 300 to 500 words in this one single Arabic language course. The best part is that it is suitable for all people with ZERO prior knowledge about the language.
This Arabic language course will equip you with all the necessary language skills, beginning from individual letters, vowels, harakats and tanween, to numerals, vocabulary, common Arabic phrases, gestures and even full-on conversations!
Learn everything you need to know about the Arabic language in just 12 entertaining and in-depth LESSONS.
At the end of this Arabic language course, you will enhance your language skills and harness an understanding of the basics of Arabic vocabulary, grammar, structure and style...all from nothing! You will learn a lot from ground zero, to a proficient Arabic language user in 3 months!